The District’s leaders include our Executive Committee, Zone Chairmen, Area Leaders, Committee Chairs, and Precinct Captains. The responsibilities of each role is outlined in the LD9 Republicans Bylaws document found on our Resources page.

Executive Committee

  • Michelle Masters, Chairman
  • Madeleine McDonald, 1st Vice Chair
  • Lynne Spear, 2nd Vice Chair
  • Nancy Wigton, Treasurer
  • Gary Golka, Secretary
  • (vacant), Northeast Zone Chair
  • Bob Grant, Southwest Zone Chair
  • Chris Hamlet, Southeast Zone Chair
  • Raymond Jones, Downtown Zone Chair

Area Leaders

ZoneArea LeaderPrecincts in Area
NortheastMargaret GolkaHohokam Park,
Mesa Vista, Palm Harbor
NortheastAdam MiscavageCandlelight,
Palm Gardens,
Tierra Este
NortheastRustin PearceArboleda, Covina,
Los Alamos
Southwest(Vacancy)Dover, Esquire,
SouthwestMaddie McDonaldDobson Ranch, Water Works, Woodglen
SouthwestZach ChristieCarriage Lane, Crismon, Longmore
SoutheastLynne SpearMesa Linda, Oak Park,
SoutheastRon TaylorMcAfee Place,
Reed Park, Suntrails
SoutheastBridget FitzgibbonsHarmony Park, Harris,
Mesa Grand, Old West
DowntownLawrence MoodyBuckley, Indian Springs, Kleinman
DowntownMary Ann MendozaCentennial, Clover,
Duke, Porter
DowntownRaymond Jones (pro tem)Ellsworth Park,
Guerrero, Heritage,
Penny Lane
Area locations can be found on the LD9 Zone & Area Map.

Committee Chairs

Committee Chair Names are not published at this time.

Precinct Captains

Click the Precinct Name to view its map

Precinct NameCaptain Name
ArboledaBillie Bollwinkel
BuckleyLawrence Moody
CandlelightRichard Pearce
Carriage Lane(Vacancy)
CentennialRick Obley
CloverRobert Scantlebury
CovinaMark Gardner
CrismonMichael Bertocchi
Dobson RanchMaddie McDonald
Duke(Election Pending)
Ellsworth ParkRaymond Jones
EsquireSande Charles
GuerreroRobin Beach
Harmony ParkChris Hamlet
Heritage(pending) Walt Van Kampen
Hohokam ParkCrystal O’Haver
Indian Springs(pending) John Gary
KleinmanDavid Fountain
Los AlamosJoseph Smith
McAfee PlaceTony Barnett
Mesa GrandBarbara Johnson
Mesa Linda(Vacancy)
Mesa VistaNeil Rouse
Oak Park(Vacancy)
Old WestBridget Fitzgibbons
Palm Gardens(Vacancy)
Palm HarborJames Westbrook
Penny Lane(Vacancy)
PilgrimLynne Spear
PorterMary Ann Mendoza
Reed Park(Vacancy)
Sun TrailsSpencer Roland
Tierra EsteAdam Miscavage
Water WorksBob Grant
WoodglenMark Sid