Maricopa EGC Monthly Meeting

Maricopa EGC Monthly Meeting


October 1, 2024    
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

PCs can contact their chairman or the MCRC Secretary for each EGC meeting’s venue. Venues rotate and may be anywhere within Maricopa County.

Executive Guidance Committee (EGC*) of the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) meets on the first Tuesday of each month. All Precinct Committeemen (PCs) in Maricopa County are welcome attend and submit their name to make a 1-minute comment. Please be aware that PC Comment time limited to 15-minutes total maximum and PC names are drawn at random.

*Pursuant MCRC Bylaws Article VI and Arizona Revised Statute 16-823(C), the EGC is comprised of the MCRC Elected Officers and Legislative District Chairmen from which a plurality of that District’s registered voters resides.